Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm not even fucking joking right now

Is this for real?

What in the hell? 30 days in jail? For KILLING a PERSON? A pedestrian??

He got drunk. At a hotel bar. He LEFT the hotel bar. IN A CAR. He somehow hit A PEDESTRIAN. And KILLED that person.

How is that not life in prison? How is that not life in prison plus a billion dollars? Plus the hotel valet service pays a billion dollars? Plus the hotel bar pays a billion dollars? Plus every person who ever knew him and let him own a car or take a drink and didn't come pick him up pays a billion dollars?

Not only does he not have to spend the rest of his life in prison and pay the family every dime he ever made or ever will make, he never even had that on the table. He "faced 15 years in prison." That's just ridiculous. You went and got drunk in a situation where you had full and easy opportunity to have absolutely no one get hurt and yet you chose the other option.

Oh, and p.s., I heard about this on Shysterball, where Craig Calcaterra points out that this means that Donte Stallworth may serve less time than two guys who ran onto the field during a rain delay in a Cincinnati Reds game. Fan Fucking Tastic.



  1. I can't comment because this whole thing makes me want to fly into a rage and hurt people.

    Also, Michael Vick, scum that he is, served more time.

  2. I know, right? I love dogs. I mean really, really LOVE dogs. I've never cried more than when my dog died. But this was a PERSON. I'm at least intellectually aware that that's fucked up.
